Song Message
When we accept Jesus into our life, we receive God’s love and forgiveness in our hearts and we can live to shine his light and make a difference in this world. We live in times where children and young people often struggle because of not feeling accepted for who they are, they may experience bullying because of their race, status or the way they look, and the pressures from various forms of media often portray unrealistic representation of body image which can affect a young person’s self-esteem. Spreading the message of truth that God’s love for us is unconditional is so important, he created us and loves us. Showing care for one another each day can make a huge impact on a life. Let’s care, be kind, spread love.
Mark 12 vs 30-31 (NIV) “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this “Love your neighbour as yourself.” There is no commandment greater than this”
No matter what colour our skin is
No matter what shape we are
It doesn’t matter where we come from
Or how tall or short we are
No-ones better than anyone else
God loves us just the same
Let’s all love one-another lets care be kind spread love
Share God’s love around the world
Spread God’s love around the world
© Copyright 2019 Jill Young CCLI # 7128211 – Words & Music by Jill Young – Music Arrangement, Recorded and Produced by Mark Boehm